RWHC Rural Health News & Updates

RWHC Rural Health News & Updates

Letter 4 of 10: To the Struggling Nurse Right Now

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Letter 4 of 10: To the Struggling Nurse Right Now

INTRODUCTION: Erin Smital, Nursing Professional Development Educator & Nurse Residency Coordinator, RWHC

We offer a Nurse Residency Program that is designed for the new graduate nurse. It is structured around monthly learning sessions, with a focus on providing an interactive, reflective and enriched learning environment. The program is designed to enhance recruitment/retention of the new graduate nurse and support their transition into a competent practitioner. I am proud to announce that we recently completed year 18 of this program. I asked our participants to write an open letter to "The nurse struggling right now... ". These kind words of support and encouragement are meant for every nurse, in every position, in every stage of their career.

    LETTER 4 
You are not alone!!! This is hard, but it will get better.
Ask for what you need and stand up for yourself. Find somebody you feel comfortable talking to—don’t be afraid to vent.
Make sure your director or supervisor is being supportive and checking-in with you as often as you need—this is about your success.
Don’t question yourself or your ability to be a good nurse—It takes time!
Don’t beat yourself up—do focus on the things you know and are already good at.
It’s okay to have bad days and just want to cry—I still do sometimes.
You are amazing! Look how for you have come!
Find a place where you feel you belong! I changed departments after one year and now I couldn’t be happier.

— From a Nurse That Was in Your Shoes One Year Ago smiley
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