Refueling Your Heart for Registered Nurses

Nursing is not an easy profession, sometimes.

You witness life at its most vulnerable of times, day in and day out. Now, you have the added stress and trauma of a pandemic on top of an already demanding profession. These are overwhelming times to say the least.

Many nurses are now asking themselves this question, “Where oh where did the passion go, oh where oh where can it be?”

Don’t get me wrong, many have reflected on this question over the years. Never has it been to this extent. Never have so many nurses dreamed of an exit strategy.

Do any of the following questions describe how you feel or what you are experiencing right now?

Do you find yourself running on fumes? Are you running in the gerbil wheel of life with so many responsibilities and so little time? Do you “go, go, go”, fall into bed exhausted, get a few hours of sleep, then… get up and do it all over again? Do you find yourself just going through the motions of day to day living? Are you so busy taking care of others that there is no time to take care of yourself? Do you feel stressed or burned out as a Registered Nurse?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this course is for you.

It is TIME for you to Refuel Your Heart!

How would it be to feel alive again? To be able to reconnect to who you really are? To engage once again in heart centered living? This course is designed to heal your spirit to reconnect to you! This course is about being more than your identity as an RN.

Personal exhaustion and lack of passion comes with a very heavy personal price tag. The people you are caring for need the best version of you. More importantly, you need to be the best you can be for yourself.

Now is the time! Get ready to Refuel Your Heart!

This is an 8-module online course which includes a training video for each specific module and a handy workbook for each section. Each workbook has designed activities and multiple self-reflective questions to deepen your learning and self-awareness. See module titles/objectives below.

There really is no time like the present to Refuel Your Heart!

What are you waiting for? Join us today!

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$2997per facility* for one-year access

*Each hospital and its hospital-owned clinics are defined as one facility. Each independently-owned clinic is defined as one facility.


  • Reconnects to personal purpose
  • Assesses current level of passion for life
  • Challenges personal belief patterns
  • Explores the heart-centered living philosophy
  • Participates in personal value mining
  • Explores the heart-centered living philosophy
  • Differentiates stress vs. burnout
  • Understands the holistic and hormonal impact of stress
  • Practices stress management activities
  • Assesses current stress levels and personal signs/symptoms
  • Reviews several job burnout causes
  • Explores best stress management tips
  • Develops a personal stress reduction plan
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Recommits to individual refueling activities
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Defines compassion fatigue
  • Differentiates compassion fatigue and burnout
  • Reviews common signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue
  • Understands the healing model of ART (acknowledge, recognize, and turn toward)
  • Explores best tips when experiencing this phenomena
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Reviews the ladder of inference impact on life
  • Understands four key components of emotional intelligence
  • Deepens emotional awareness
  • Establishes personal boundaries
  • Explores 10 common saboteurs found in human beings
  • Identifies top three saboteurs personally
  • Embraces individual sage energy
  • Differentiates between fixed and growth mindsets
  • Outlines the benefits of having a mindful practice
  • Explores guilt and strategizes on how to let it go
  • Exercises forgiveness
  • Examines best tips for impacting emotions positively
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Integrates a holistic approach to balance and self-care
  • Identifies the four fundamental people needs
  • Participates in self-assessing the wheel of life and the wheel of self-care
  • Appreciates the contribution of self-compassion as a key component of balance/self-care
  • Reviews three components of self-compassion
  • Embraces acceptance in life
  • Integrates additional personal and professional boundaries as deemed necessary
  • Determines which best tips to implement to aide in personal balance/self-care
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Defines resiliency personally and professionally
  • Identifies key characteristics of resiliency
  • Reviews the impact that incorporating The Four Agreements may have in resiliency
  • Implements letting go of control
  • Articulates commonalities found in highly resilient individuals
  • Explores best tips to aide in becoming more resilient in life
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Recognizes and reconnects to intrinsic gifts
  • Maximizes strengths
  • Creates a living legacy plan
  • Commits or recommits to heart-centered living
  • Nurtures and heals spirit
  • Engages in self-reflection
  • Reviews the best refueling-energizing tips
  • Develops a specific action plan to refuel
  • Determines the support needed to be successful in refueling the heart
  • Investigates various resources available moving forward
  • Engages in self-reflection

    David Parker
    Cheryl P.

    RN, BSN, MPH

    Cella gets it: Nursing, the whole picture, life. She will know you, your gifts and potential. Cella uses her years of education and self-learning experiences with her open heart, amazing listening and feedback skills and those amazing eyes to awaken you to a place within you to grow and care for yourself.

    Lorene Howard
    Melissa B.

    RN, BSN, H

    Cella has inspired so many lives and is a true role model and champion for connecting the head with the heart of nursing. Her passion for nursing and developing new staff is inspiring! She brings a wealth of knowledge and skills to refuel the seasoned nurse as well as equip newer nurses to be resilient in their profession.

    Alice Blanche
    Angie P.


    Cella Hartline has an innate and unique ability to “make life happen.” For over 23 years, I have watched her use compassion, spirituality, intuition, and exceptional communication skills to encourage those in the nursing profession and everywhere to become the best that they can be. As a life coach and a nurse, Cella is unsurpassed in her aptitude to help others grow and reach new heights while navigating through the rough waters of balancing work and life. She takes a holistic approach while tailoring the needs of the individual to help them make changes for the better while still remaining connected to themselves. As a nurse, I have always strived to become the person that Cella is.

    I highly recommend Cella’s program, “Refueling Your Heart” to nurture your spirit and bring greater clarity to your life and career. Cella has brought more positive changes to my life than anyone I have ever met and she continues to be my mentor, my role model, and my friend.

    Julie Ann

    Sharon W.

    RN, MSN, MHA

    I cannot stress enough my appreciation for Cella and the solace and mentorship she has offered me through the years. From the moment we met knew we held a connection and this never wavered. Cella has guided me through several life and career impasses and has led me to see new directions. Her positivity and ability to guide without judgement are ever present. Cella’s passion for nursing and inspiring others with holistic reality based approach is refreshing and calming, yet highly enlightening.

    David Parker
    Carrie K.

    RN, BSN

    Cella and I first met in the Nurse Residency program that she was the coordinator of at Rural WI Health Cooperative. I was a nurse for less than 1 year when we met. I was just starting to orientate to OB. My experiences in OB were just as everyone imagines, beautiful, memorable, impactful, and a true blessing. However, my experiences were also dark and physically and emotionally tolling on me, which left me questioning my career decision.

    To this day, I am still thankful for the Nurse Residency program that brought me to know and love Cella. To this day, I would not be sitting here as a licensed nurse had it not been for the love, support, and guidance that Cella extended to me. Her ability to help me see the reality and put perspective on my emotions and experiences was something that no one else was providing. I experienced some of the worst moments in my nursing career in those nine to ten months while in the residency program and it is because of Cella that I am still and AM the nurse I am today.

    My experiences with Cella and the wisdom that I have come to know, and love is that we must trust our journey, we must trust what feels right and good to us in our soul, we must follow our passion, and truly embrace our role in not only caring for others as nurses but impacting people in their lives and meet them where they are. There is a clip you can find on YouTube, “Be a Mr. Jensen.” In this clip it talks about one moment in time, Cella was one of my moments in time. To this day, I still take any opportunity I can to connect with Cella and follow her coaching feeds routinely. There is so much depth and knowledge that she shares that can be related to any part of a person’s life from personal experiences to professional experiences. “Highlighter moments” happen throughout any given day, you just need to be aware of the “mirror in the room.”

    As nurses it is time for us to reconnect to our purpose, refuel our hearts and our energy to continue our passion in caring for others. Let Cella be your guide, you will not be disappointed!

    Lorene Howard
    Shelly S.

    RN, BSN, MHA

    When I met Cella, her passion and energy for helping nurses reach their maximum potential and goals was immediately felt. Cella has a unique skill when it comes to helping nurses look inside themselves in a holistic manner. This instills the commitment, passion, and love for the manner in which care is provided to patients in a unique way. She makes you feel that you can achieve greatness and shows you how to follow your path that lights the fire within you for serving others, to find your “why” in caring for others, and for sharing your commitment as a nurse with others. The time she took to make me feel how much she believed in me and share her heart stories is what still makes me committed to being the best nurse and giving the best to my patients and staff.

    Julie Ann
    Misty K.

    RN, MSN

    I met Cella Hartline when I started at Grant Regional Health Center 20 years ago. At that time, she was the ER Coordinator, and I was working in registration deciding what I wanted to do with my life. In my role at the time, I worked very closely with Cella and got to know what an amazing nurse she was. She embodied confidence, skill, and compassion. As time went on, I became a Registered Nurse, and Cella became one of my mentors. She taught me from the beginning what it meant to be a professional and to respect the huge responsibility I had just earned.

    As a new RN, Cella saw things that I did not see in myself. She encouraged and energized me and helped me to believe in myself as a nurse. As I grew in my profession, Cella was always that light that shone, teaching me to always want to do more, see more, be more! In 2011, with Cella’s guidance, I began to fulfill my dream of becoming an educator. Cella inspired me to want to help other RNs learn and grow their profession. She encouraged me to not only look on the surface of my mind, but to connect my heart in all that I do. I recently have received the profound compliment that my teaching style is similar to Cella’s, and I was beaming with pride!

    When Cella left GRHC, I was sad to see her go, but thrilled to see how she would impact the profession I so loved. When I became the ED Manager at GRHC, a role she once filled, she immediately reached out to me. She once again helped me to gain the confidence I needed to be a leader and a role model.

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    2021 by RWHC, Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative