Wisconsin Quality Residency Program

Wisconsin Quality Residency Program

The Wisconsin Hospital Association (WHA), the Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative (RWHC) and the Wisconsin Office of Rural Health (WORH) are excited to announce registration is open for the next cohort of the Wisconsin Quality Residency Program. First launched in 2014, the program is designed to engage new and novice hospital quality improvement leaders in a track of education, leadership training, and networking – all critical for success in the first two years on the job.

The program will run May 8, 2024 through March 12, 2025 and include a blend of in-person and virtual learning modules covering foundational topics, including regulatory and accreditation requirements, quality improvement concepts, collecting data for analysis and decision-making, and more. Participants will have access to peer networking and coach calls, a dedicated email group for networking between sessions, and experienced quality leaders throughout Wisconsin for support. While the intended participants for the program are those who are in their first two years in a quality leadership role, we also acknowledge there may be experienced leaders and quality staff who will want to attend one or more modules covering specific areas of interest.

Quality Residency Modules Include:

  • Presenters from WHA and RWHC professionals, current healthcare quality leaders including past Quality Residents, and champions and subject matter experts in healthcare quality topics.
  • Learning Needs Assessments Survey prior to each module to customize learning needs. Pre-session work to be completed prior to some modules.
  • Interactive learning activities including hands-on use of tools used for data-driven decision making and opportunities for reflection and dialogue.

The Full 10 Month WI Quality Residency program includes the above as well as:

  • 2 in person only and 8 virtual full day modules will be offered monthly (except July) May 2024-March 2025, the second Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am-3:30 pm.
  • A 1 hour “Coaching Call” on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 11:00 am-12:00noon to introduce and prepare for the next module, follow-up on questions from the previous module and engage in discussion.
  • 2 in person only and 8 virtual full day modules will be offered monthly (except July) May 2024-March 2025, the second Wednesday of each month from 9:00 am-3:30 pm.
  • A 1 hour “Coaching Call” on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 11:00 am-12:00noon to introduce and prepare for the next module, follow-up on questions from the previous module and engage in discussion.

To learn more, email  Jenny Pritchett, WHA Clinical Quality Improvement Manager, jpritchett@wha.org, or Janet Wagner, RWHC Quality Services Senior Manager at jwagner@rwhc.com

Guest Registration -  Individual Modules 
Program Modules
(Select 1 or more)
  • Fee: Each module is $250 per person
  • Fee is prepaid via credit card.
Quality Residency Modules are from 9:00am - 3:30pm CT
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 | 9:00am – 3:30pm CT     Zoom (Virtual)
  • How to Choose a Methodology
  • Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle
  • Project Facilitation Strategies and Management Tools
  • Project Selection Process
  • Selecting a Project Solving Methodology
  • Tools for Project Management