Speech and Audiology Services

Speech Pathology

The Speech Pathology Service continues to grow providing services to more than 24 member hospitals. This includes the provision of direct patient care in sixteen hospitals, seven nursing homes, four Birth to 3 Programs, six home health agencies and one hospice organization.

Our twelve RWHC-employed speech pathologists provide care to patients of all ages and all diagnostic categories. This is possible through the support of RWHC resources and unique networking opportunities. Through the RWHC Speech Pathology Roundtable and Dysphagia Grand Rounds meetings, speech pathologists from all of our Member hospitals are able to network and share expertise allowing them to successfully practice as generalists in a diverse field.

We have had the opportunity to share our unique service delivery model at our state and national conventions. Rural Speech Pathology Services are alive and well in Wisconsin.


Patti Fowler, Speech Pathology Senior Manager
pfowler@rwhc.com | 800-225-2531


Like many of the RWHC Services, Audiology is a successful, longstanding service for several RWHC Members. RWHC employs three highly experienced and trained audiologists that provide care to patients of all ages. This includes diagnostic testing and evaluations, hearing aid consultations and dispensing, and follow-up to Newborn Hearing Screenings. In addition to working with primary care providers within the communities, the audiology team works alongside Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) physicians by providing care to their patients that are being evaluated for many diverse problems such as hearing loss, ear infections, and vertigo. The audiologists meet regularly to enhance their professional skills, complete continuing education, and review their quality improvement plan and results. All Members are serviced with state of the art diagnostic equipment and have access to multiple hearing aid companies through our centralized accounts. Along with being licensed by the state of Wisconsin and enrolled Medicaid providers, the audiologists are all members of the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association (ASHA) and American Academy of Audiology (AAA).


Bonnie Laffey, Director of Programs and Services
blaffey@rwhc.com | 800-225-2531