RWHC Clinical Education Series

Clinical Education Series

RWHC is pleased to offer this clinical education series for both new and experienced nurses. Come enjoy a day of enhancing your knowledge and improving critical thinking at the bedside for overall improved patient care in your organization. The use of simulation education will be utilized in some of the workshops, allowing hands on opportunities. The series is open to both RWHC Members and non-RWHC Members.

The RWHC Clinical Education Series includes the following workshops:

All RWHC Clinical Workshops  (Click on title for workshop overview)

PLEASE NOTE: Workshop dates are published six months prior to the workshop. Registration information is available three months prior to the workshop. For more information, please email cballweg@rwhc.comor call: 608-643-2343.

Onsite Training Available! 

 For individual consultation regarding on-site training, please contact: